Agile Methodologies in Hostile Environments |
Philly ETE |
AJAX: What it is and What it Can Do for Your iViews |
Americas’ SAP User’s Group |
All Kinds of Free |
Philly ETE |
Building a Custom Query Engine with Quill |
Scala by the Schuylkill |
Building Data Breach Resistant Systems |
Philly ETE |
Code Talk: Chat with a CTO |
Code Talk |
Converting a JSR-168 Portlet to an SAP iView |
Americas’ SAP User’s Group |
Culture Builder Live | |
Developing Web Services for Documentum |
Southeast Documentum User’s Group |
Embracing the TMF Exchange Mechanism Standard |
TMF Reference Model EMS |
Functional Programming in Java |
Philly JUG |
Functional Programming in JavaScript Workshop |
LibertyJS |
Functional Wrappers for legacy APIs |
Philly JUG |
Immutability in JavaScript and seamless-immutable-cursor |
React Philly |
JWTs and Their Application |
Philly JUG |
Live Coding a Chat Server with WebSockets and http4s |
Live coding a CRUD database in Scala |
Management and Organizational Design |
Villanova University |
Monadic Logging and You! |
NEScala |
My Favorite Tweets |
Transforming Clinical Processes Using Box |
BoxWorks |
Shaping up your Development Process |
Philly ETE |
Stop goofing around during build cycles with webpack HMR |
LibertyJS |
Typed vs. Untyped (Panel) |
Philly ETE |
Tech People Podcast Interview |
Tech People |
TechCast #96 – Philly ETE Happy Hour Chat |
TechCast |
TechChat Tuesday’s #10 - The “Free” in Software |
TechChat |
Websockets in http4s |
NEScala |